Yet another blogger community can be located at
BlogCatalog. I am not sure what it takes to get a blog listed with this site. My blog
My Home Town, was approved for listing, but my blog
The Bigsibling Blog was not. The Bigsibling Blog has more traffic and more frequent posts. BlogCatalog does not offer any real explanations as to why a site is declined. The give a list of reasons, and there is no way to know which reason it was, or how to remedy the reasoning. The email they send for a declined blog is as such:
Thank you for submitting your blog (The Bigsibling Blog) to BlogCatalog.
Unfortunately upon reviewing your blog we are unable to grant it access to the directory.
The most common reasons for not getting into Blog Catalog are:
- You did not add a link back to Blog Catalog from your website.
To add a link visit: - The URL you submitted is not a blog, is solely for commercial purposes, or is suspected to be spam.
- Your blog is brand new and doesn't have enough content to make it truly valuable.
If this is the case, please resubmit after you have made more postings. - Your blog contains pornographic material.
- At the time of review your blog was unavailable or there was a typo in your submission URL.
Please make sure the URL submitted is correct and accessible
If you believe this to be a mistake, you can login to Blog Catalog ( ) and change anything which may have caused it to get declined. After updating your blog, it will be put back into the submission queue.
If you have any questions/comments/suggestions/ideas please feel free to contact us.
BlogCatalog · 7162 Eckhert Road · San Antonio · TX · 78238
I am unable to find any real information on what they consider to be acceptable. The URL works, there is a button pointing back to blog catalog, it is not new and has plenty of posts, it is not for commercial purposes only, and it does not contain pornographic materials. So this blog should meet all the requirements listed. But still gets declined every time I submit it.
I have submitted this blog (you might notice the little blog catalog button to the left), but haven't heard anything yet. I have also re-submitted The Bigsibling Blog to see if they accept it. I have been having problems with each morning - for some strange reason - the template for The Bigsibling Blog being reverted back to the default wordpress template. This might cause some problems with that. I'm still looking into why this is happening. It makes not sense, for months it runs perfectly, suddenly it starts going all haywire, but that is a different monster all together.
I'll post the results here. As I find more and more resources for getting exposure, and earning some income via blogs, I will continue to post them here after I have researched and/or signed up for them so I can report on the processes.
I know that I have not been as frequent with this blog as I have in the past, and I apologize for that. So many things, so little time. Also, I am going to, again, try and treat the advertisements, and blogging in general, as a second job. That means I am going to set aside specific time each day to do this, write adverts, and research ways to make a little more income.
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