24 January, 2007

Feedburner Analytics

I've been looking at the free Feedburner Analytics tool. It seems to do the basic same things as Google Analytics. My feeling is though, that Google's Analytics give more information, and it is easier to navigate and find what you want.

Everyone must make their own decision if they even want to use any type of analytic reporting, but I find it very helpful.

So for my money (yeah right, like I'd pay for something you can get for free - after all, this blog is about making money, not spending money) - I'm sticking with Google Analytics.

Thing slowing down...

It seems to be getting harder and harder to find ads to post at PayPerPost these days. I did find four in the last two days, but it seems that more and more advertisers are wanting blogs with Google PageRank of 1 or more. Currently, my PageRank is zero. That's right, a big fat goose egg.

Irony? Get this, there was an advertiser who is an SEO (that's 'Search Engine Optimizer' for you uninitiated - see my post here for more about SEOs). This is a company that purports to assist folks in increasing their pagerank and search engine placement. But this guy wanted only pagerank of 3 or more. That gave me a little chuckle.

Here is an update of my PayPerPost earnings to date. I want to say I'm darned proud of myself for not having any post yet rejected at PPP. So here's the breakdown:

18 Total Posts
5 posts actually paid into my paypal account totaling $39.01
8 posts approved waiting for the 30 days to expire totaling $60.05
5 posts waiting to be approved totaling $26.01

If the 5 posts waiting approval are appoved, that will give me a grand total so far of $125.07. Thus, on average, I'm getting $6.94 per ad.

Not too much, but hey, it's enough to get a System Builder copy of Windows Vista Premium from Micro-Center.

23 January, 2007


Things are starting to come around. I'm getting more into a groove with the posting of ads. But still, I slack off a bit, and other things happen. Things get in the way. Work, basketball practice, scouts, doctors appointments. Lots of things. But I'm really, really trying.

Still, didn't post anything all weekend, and didn't post anything last night. Adding to the lack of time is the lack of PC time. My 5/8's laptop went into the shop. The "geek squad" had to send it off because it kept overheating. Some geek squad. If they were really geeks, they'd have ripped it open, applied some solder in the correct spot, and sent her on her merry way that same day. Geek squad...PPPHHHHHFFFFTTT.

Anyway, my 5/8's is more addicted to online life than I am, so she is using my laptop while hers is in the shop. But I"m still trying man. Bear with me ok?