06 January, 2007

More about FeedBurner

I was recently perusing the FeedBurner site, and found an area that tracks visitors stats. This area is very will hidden prominatly displayed on the left side of your feed details page. I odn't know if this is something was previously a 'pay-for' service, or if I have just not paid enough attention to the FeedBurner site to notice it befre. Either way, I activated it for this blog, and my main blog (Bigsibling). I believe this will give me the same information as Google Analytics will give me (maybe more relevant info, as this is designed for bloggers-I think- and GA isn't so much).

I have spent so much time researching GA and Tehcnorati, that I almost completely, but not quite, forgot all about FeedBurner. It seems there are 3 people at Google that subscribe to this blog (cool - howdy, nice to have you around). And six people between Google and Yahoo that subscribe to my Bigsibling blog.

Yeah, very low readership, but hey, there is someone anyway (hi mom!).

I'll add more info regarding FeedBurner as I come across it. I know the posts have been a bit sporadic lately, but it was Christmas and all that, plus work, plus plus plus (you get the picture

Again, as always, thanks for visiting.

03 January, 2007

Blog adverts update

I have spoken about PayPerPost quite a bit here. I would like to make an update to my PPP status. So far I have taken five adverts, and have had five adverts approved (w00t! I'm batting a thousand here!). Total amount due is $39.01. So far I haven't recieved any of the money yet. The post has to be up for 30 days before you get any money out of PPP. That doesn't bother me at all really. If they didn't do that, I could envision people putting an advert up on their blog, then taking it down as soon as the payment was made. This way, they are guaranteeing their clients at least a 30 day post.

My earliest advert is payable in 8 days, my latest advert is payable in 18 days. So, within 20 days I should have a cool 39.01 in my paypal account - minus of course the cut that PayPal takes for deposits. What a racket that is. I remember when individual accounts could recieve money for free and only business accounts were charged. Now they charge everyone.

Also, I have finally recieved an assignment from blogsvertise. That was approved and I now have $5.00 due from them. I'm not certain (because, lets face it, no one really reads all that terms stuff) when I will see that. Probably there is a minimum payout or something.

My Google AdSense is I think sitting strong at a whopping 30 cents still. Although, I did just now ad their AdSense for Search functionality to my bigsibling blog. This may or may not (probably not) provide fruit. Come to think of it, I think I'll add it here too, since this blog seems to get much more traffic than my other ones.

At any rate, I truly and honestly hope the information here is useful for people and that you all have a great and prosperous new year!

As always, thanks for visiting!

02 January, 2007

Big thanks for the moolah

I want to thank Marie Eneida for the $25.00 donation to my Windows Vista upgrade fund! Only $134 left to go (w00t!).