29 May, 2007

Some great opps from PayPerPost

No, this isn't an advertisement or PayPerPost, but I wanted to pass this along anyway. PPP is having some great opps right now. Special stuff. One is a Police opp (the band, not the other ones). As you may know, the Police recently kicked off their reunion tour. PPP has a Police opp (I haven't actually looked at it yet, but they sent me an email, so I know about it). Where 1/2 of the posties who take this opp will recieve a "Postie Pack" which includes the new 2CD box set of the Police's greatest hits. Get paid to blog, AND get free bling. Can't beat that.

The other deal is an opp that they will put up between noon on 29 May and noon on 30 May - where you have the chance to get a 50" Grand WEGA LCD HDTV. Man, that would make a great monitor for my PC!

Once again, I'm not getting paid for this, this is not and advert, I just wanted to get the word out for anyone who might have missed their email or what not.

Thanks for visiting!

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