21 February, 2007

Firefox plugin for easy blog posting

A cool tool I have discovered if you are using the FireFox browser is the Performancing plug-in. This adds some items to the context (right-click) menu in FireFox.

You add your blogs to the Blogs list. I can vouch that it works great for Blogger.com blogs and blogs using the WordPress blogware. With the WordPress ware, it will list all of your categories. With the Blogger blogs, it does not, but it does let you add tags to the blog.

Also, it gives the option to insert technorati tags. That is cool. What I like most about it I think, is that you create the blog entry in a pane in the lower half of you browser. There doesn't need to be a connection. The Advanced Options button gives you the ability to define your technorati tags, bookmark the post at del.icio.us (I'm still trying to find out what that is all about - I'll get the research done and get something about it up here soon I hope). Also define what ping services to hit with the new post.

Sometimes, when I'm creating an entry, I am aslo doing other things (like working) and it might take me a couple of hours to get one small post up. When working logged into a blog, there is always the possibility of a lost connection, or of the login timing out. You usually won't find that out until you go to post at which time you could lose that profound thought that you had worded so eloquently, but couldn't remember to save your life.

I will say that I didn't get this to work at all with one of my blogs that was running on DotNetNuke. Okay, sure, DNN is not blogware, it is portal ware, but I was using it as blogware (have recently changed that to WordPress blogware). I don't know how easy it would be to use with any other blogware than Blogger and WordPress.

Oh, one thing not to be fooled, by is the "Metrics" button at the right of the blog editor window. Performancing no longer offers metrics. So that really does nothing except give you an error after you enter your Performancing username/password.

Performancing.com | Helping Bloggers Succeed

Performancing for Firefox | Performancing.com

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20 February, 2007

Blogsvertise starting to come through

As previously stated, I hadn't been doing much with Blogsvertise. I've been waiting for referrals from them because they don't have a list of opportunities to choose from the way PayPerPost does. Some time ago, I submitted another blog of mine for advertising with Blogsvertise.

Just yesterday I received a task from them for that blog. It paid $10! That's cool. I had pretty much forgotten about them altogether until I got that task. Then, while looking at my data on Blogsvertise, I found that next to my Bigsibling blog, there was a graphic of a bag. The mouse over tooltip displayed the words "Grab Bag".

So I do what any good curious American would do, I clicked it. WOW! It seems that for my Bigsibling blog, I can take one task per day from a grab bag of tasks. These are tasks that were assigned to other bloggers, but they did not complete them in the allotted time. I don't know what the allotted time is for completing assignments, I have always completed them the same day as the assignment was received.

So yesterday I did one of those grab bag tasks for $5 and today I did another one for another $5. There was one left that I'll look at doing tomorrow, that is only a $3 task, but what the hey, I'm going for it anyway!

Thanks for visiting (honestly, I really do appreciate your visits).