26 April, 2007

Blog Catalog - the mea culpa

Have you ever done something exceptionally stupid? Something that, no matter how you try to spin it, it just can't come out in anyway other than making you look like a dork?

Ok, then you know what I'm talking about. In a previous post I was talking about BlogCatalog.com - another blogger community. In the post I had mentioned how my bigsibling blog could not seem to get approved. I had submitted it several times, always with the same results.

The last time I submitted I decided to actually look at, and read letter for letter all of the blog information. What I discovered was I had misspelled the URL for the blog, I put it in as www.bigsbiling.com instead of www.bigsibling.com.

I am such a dork, and I apologize to the blogcatalog folks.

Sheesh, crow is not an acquired taste. No matter how much I eat, it is always...off.

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1 comment:

Daniel said...

Glad to finally have you with us! Sorry you had so much trouble getting approved. You're not the only one who has made mistake, we get them all the time.

Daniel @ BlogCatalog